Friday, August 15, 2014

Facebook or Twitter: Which one is better?

Well, some time will come when social networking sites will be recognized as one of the basic necessities of citizen by the constitution of a country. This statement says how integrated social networking sites are in our life. Facebook and Twitter are undoubtedly two biggest social networking sites. Facebook is preferred over twitter in countries like India, Nepal, Indonesia and many other countries of Asia. Twitter is popular in European countries and USA. However, one cannot doubt over the popularity of facebook in those countries as well. Both are useful on their own field and it depends on a person’s nature what they prefer. Personally, I prefer twitter over facebook (Even though I spend much more time on facebook). Here are the 5 reasons for that:
1.      Twitter is better for making new friends
Facebook Vs Twitter
If you are interested in making new friends, twitter will provide you better platform than facebook. If you send a friend request in facebook to a completely unknown stranger, a lot of question will arise in person’s mind. Further, a mutual friend in between will make the situation completely akward. Following a person in twitter is not a big deal. You just follow the person you want. If the person is interested, the person will also follow you back. That’s how thing works in twitter.

2.      Twitter improves your writing
You have to be wise and concise while tweeting because there is limitation of 140 characters in a tweet. If you are interested in short posts but with some quality content in it, you should definitely opt for twitter. Facebook have long and boring posts and some meaningless posts as well.

3.      Twitter allows you to connect with people you like
There are a lot of real life superstars like Brad Pitt, MS Dhoni, Cristiano Ronaldo in twitter. They have real accounts. What you see as their status is what they actually say. Unlike in facebook, where these accounts are operated by an unknown fan or a known friend of that star. And sometimes you see totally irrevelant posts in their account. So, twitter allows you to really connect with people or superstars you like.

4.      Twitter is more updated than facebook
When you open facebook, you see boring people with same lifestyle and nothing much happens in facebook if you check it regularly. Sometimes, it bore you with the same post which you have already seen. Unlike in twitter, so many things have happened in short period of time. And you are likely to read some new and creative posts.

5.      Twitter gives a wide variety in newsfeed than facebook
Facebook reduces your reach to less than 10% pages you have liked. Whereas twitter is open and you can see all the posts that are being posted. In facebook, you have to go to the timeline of the page to see all the posts which are posted in short  period of time. But in twitter, you can find all those posts in your newsfeed.

This is just my opinion; it is your own choice which you prefer more. 

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